FRIDAY FACE-OFF: Paper VS Digital?

Since it’s NaNoWriMo right now and some of you may be knee deep in words and drafts and too many edits, we thought we would ask a VERY important bookish question…



Which writing medium do you prefer?




  • Naomi says: Since I am VERY OLD (compared to all of you) I must advocate for pen and paper. I don’t know whether it’s because I had to write all my GCSE coursework by hand, but somehow my brain still just connects more easily with a pen than a keyboard. (But OK, I acknowledge that once you get past the draft stage a computer is better.) Also… wild card entry… there’s something to be said for iPhone Notes when drafting your initial thoughts.
  • Emily says: Paper and pen for me. I mean, I’m very okay with looking like a hipster with my moleskine!
  • Tash: I choose DIGITAL as that way I can type as quickly as my thoughts. Plus you look all suave and sophisticated and cool if you’re ever writing in a coffee shop!


And because reigning champ Chloe can’t decide, she says: A mix of both (controversial oh la la) as I love making messy notes and getting all of my ideas down and planning with pen and paper but then working on a digital document. Bonus points for endless coffee, pastries, plugging in the headphones, music on and working somewhere restful and inspiring to get writing!


Which do you prefer? And who do you agree with? Tell us your thoughts below and on social media using the hashtag #BKMRKFaceOff

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